Title: Jax (Breaking The Declan Brothers #1)
Author: Kelly Gendron
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 17, 2015
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“Some boys can get rough, some don’t always listen when you tell them to stop, and some boys, they’re just monsters. You gotta be careful who you play with…” ~ Jax Declan
I’m a tease, always have been. In my teens, Jax Declan tried to warn me about staying away from the bad boys. The only boy I ever wanted was Jax. But, no matter how much I tried to play with him, he rejected me.
I haven’t see Jax Declan in years. A couple friends and I are going back to the Bayou for the summer. A little older now, and a bit wiser, I’ve decided that I’m going to find my teenage crush and I’m going to break him. This summer Jax Declan will play with me.
But the closer I get and the more I learn about the reserved, discreet, and sexy Jax Declan. Well, I’m starting to think that Jax Declan might just be one of those bad boys he tried to warn me about all those years ago.
JAX: Alternate POV
Emmie going after what she wants—JAX
…from behind me, heels click on the hardwood floor. Fuck! I
shake my head. Some chick must be following me. Well, that’s what I get for
jumping in the ring tonight. Damn, groupies. I thought this shit only happens
to Zeke, not that he doesn’t welcome it. God love him, but my little bro’s a
man-whore. I continue toward the door, maybe the chick will get the hint.
My feet come to a halt and I slowly smile. I know that
voice. Can’t say that I’m not happy to hear it, my cock certainly is, that
fucker jumps a few inches. I uncurl my lips, glance over my shoulder, and let
my eyes stroll down Emmie Rue, surveying the tight shirt hugging her perky
tits, the short skirt revealing her slender thighs and those high
heels...dammit. I’m a sucker for high heels. My cock jumps another inch. I
flash my eyes to hers. “What are ya doing back here, Em?”
She struts her perfect little figure on over to me and sets
her hands on her hips. “I think the bigger question is what the hell were you
doing out there? You fight?”
I turn around. Hands taped and balled at my sides, sweat
dripping down my naked chest, I shrug, “Sometimes.” Man, I don’t know how long
I’m gonna last. Not sure, how much longer I’m going to be able to hold back
from taking her, from fucking that sassiness right out of her fine,
“Do you own this place?”
“Zeke, Slate, and me, yeah.” I swipe
a hand over my sweat-soaked hair. “Look, I gotta take a shower,” I say. Fully
aware that for her safety I need to distant myself from her attainable body.
She takes a step closer. Her eyes glide down my
ready-to-fuck body, but they don’t make it to my feet. Not helping matters,
they take a momentary pause at my growing rod. Then, from beneath the hoods of
her lids, she peers up at me. “You want some company in the shower?”
“Now, Emmie Rue,” I drop my hand from my head, “you don’t
wanna go teasin’ me,” I say, hands clutching and releasing at my sides. I’m
tryin’ real hard to restrain myself here.
Her brow arches. “Maybe I do.”
“No. You don’t,” I chuckle. “I’m not one of your boy toys
you can play with.”
“Who says,” she places a finger on my chest and runs it down
along my tattoo, following the tribal art to the waist of my shorts, getting
real close to that danger zone, “I’m looking for a toy?”
“Oh, you’re lookin’ for somethin’, but the games I like to
play aren’t always nice,” I snatch her wandering hand, “and I can assure you
that I don’t always follow the rules.”
“What rules?” Her sly eyes slant up at me.
Fuck! She is tempting. I laugh, not about to give in to my
cock that easily. I release her wrist. “The kind of rules beauty queens
“I’m not that girl anymore.”
“Yeah. Maybe not.” My eyes drop to her mouth. “Still, I’d
take you to a place where even all grown-up princesses are afraid to go.”
“Well, then, it’s good that I’m not a princess, either.”
“No?” I grin down at her, wanting badly to believe it.
Her head tilts and she smiles up at me. “No.”
“Well, then,” I say, ready to challenge her, curious to see
just how far she’s willing to go to prove it, “show me you’re not afraid to get
dirty. Get on your knees.”
Just as I thought, her smile slowly wanes. “What?”
“Get down on your knees and suck my cock.”
Her eyes go wide. She opens her mouth, then shuts it. She
looks to the left then the right. Damn, is she considering it? Shit! My cock
thumps to full capacity. “But,” her eyes snap back to me, “anyone could come
along and see us.”
“And?” I arch a brow.
“They’d see me sucking your cock.”
“And?” The side of my mouth lifts a little.
“And… and that’s just not right.”
“I warned you, there’s no right or wrongs when it comes to
me,” my grin spreads.
As predicted, little Emmie Rue, she’s not ready for me…yet.
About The Author
Kelly’s motto ~ "Bad boys, give 'em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!" And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?
Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.
When she's not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she's out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.
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